--== T&J Software ==-- Description of All Software Available ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ INDEX: ~~~~~~ Section 1.0 - Introduction Section 2.0 - BBS Doors Section 3.0 - Wildcat! Utility Programs Section 4.0 - DOS Utility Programs Section 5.0 - About T&J Software BBS and Accessing Files Section 1.0 - INTRODUCTION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Greetings! Thanks for taking the time to look at all the software that is available from our company. Please feel free to access our BBS for the latest versions, or call our voice support number if you have and questions, comments, or concerns! See section 5.0 for details! Our doors have been reviewed in numerous publications including: "netgames - Your Guide to the Games People PLay on the Electronic Highway", Copyright 1994 by Michael Wolff & Company, Inc. Published by Random House. "BBS SECRETS", Copyright 1995 by IDG Books Worldwide, Inc. This 660+ page book also ships with a CD-Rom containing the majority of our software collection. Section 2.0 - BBS Doors ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This section details all the BBS doors programs we've created. To the right of each description lists the Door Price. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bordello: Online whore house! $20 Basically, you are running your own whore house and fighting against other players to attain the most profitable house by the end of the month (or past the end of the month depending upon how you have the door configured)! You can search for whores to work in your house (you may only have 10 at any one time), hire thugs to fight other players and to help protect your house, and many other features you will soon become very familiar with! "netgames" calls this - "A favorite on just about any BBS, Bordello allows you to run your own house of ill repute. You'll need to hire girls based on their attributes and see to it that they don't catch any diseases or get roughed up by opposing players. You'll have to slug it out with you enemies and plan your strategies for sabotaging their houses, breaking into their vault and other such chicanery. Great fun and a quick and easy play!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Studs!: Adult online action! $25 We'll let "netgames" talk here! "Perhaps the raunchiest game we've seen come down the Information Superhighway, Studs! places you in the role of a male prostitute on the prowl for a few good tricks. The main 'trick' is to please your 'client' as much as possible. Don't be early. Don't be late. And by all means, use protection or you're asking for trouble." Voted "Raunchiest" door game in 1994 by netgames. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Studette!: Adult online action! $25 Once again, let's hear from "netgames". "A sister game to Studs! In this version, the players are female trying to keep their 'clients' happy." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Announce!: Send screens prior to door. FREE My users contribute to registering door programs. I made this simple door as a way for all users to see who payed to have each door registered. There is no fee for this door. Basically, all the door does is send an ANSI screen prior to a door loading or after a door is terminated. The ANSI screen is edited by the sysop. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ANSI Voting Booth: Users vote on screens. $10 This is a fairly simple door program -- it allows you, the SysOp, to setup up to 10 different ANSI screens for your users to vote on. It's great for online competition between your users! Let your users prepare ANSI screens, upload them to you, then let the other users vote on their favorite ANSI screens! Shoot, offer a prize to the winner! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GoodUser: Good user door access only. FREE This door works exactly opposite of BadUser (by T&J Software). By editing the GOODUSER.LST file you can allow only your good users to enter door games. Great for a tournament play between a select group of users on your board. If a "Good User" is found, he is told that his access has been granted to the selected door. If a person is not listed in the GOODUSER.LST file, he is told that he does not have access to the door. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Money Market: Stock market game. $15 The user gets a chance to buy stock in up to 10 different companies. Once registered, you the SysOp can change the name of the companies to anything you want. You are given a certain number of game days (as set by the sysop) to make as much money as possible. Your final score is determined by how much PROFIT you make. Your initial starting money (which is set by the sysop) is subtracted from your ending money to determine your score. Any profits made will be carried over to the next day. This door resets every monday. Money Market will reset the weekly scores every monday. Your profit will be carried over to the next day (until the market resets). If you have a negative profit, the following day you will be able to start fresh. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OneRun: Set door entries. $10 ONERUN was made to help compliment other T&J Software doors games and future utility programs. It allows you, the SysOp, to set up door games or other door programs for limited access during the day. ONERUN creates a small player record file which contains the players name, date, and number or plays during that day. This file is checked during each play and the number of plays is adjusted. If you say the player can only enter your door twice per day, OneRun will only allow him to enter twice per day. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ T&J Lotto: Lotto number door. $15 The T&J LOTTO Door allows your users to select numbers on a type of lottery ticket. The number range is SysOp configurable along with the number or tickets a person may enter per day. As the SysOp, you can pick the prizes awarded for correctly getting 4, 5 or 6 digits correct. The user gets a chance to pick 10 numbers per lottery ticket from the number range you specify. Running TJLOTTO with the command line LOTTO (maintenance program) must be run each night. The LOTTO command line picks the winning numbers (it selects 6 numbers from the range you specify) and then reads each of the users lottery tickets and checks for winners. It will LOG the PRIZE WINNING tickets to a special SYSOP.LOG file for your records. It will also keep a listing of the last 7 days of winning tickets for the users to check. The door also maintains a statitics file which will keep track of how many times the door was played, how many tickets (total) have been purchased, and the total winning tickets (tickets matching 4, 5, or 6 digits). The user can check all winning lottery tickets from the previous night and a summation of all PRIZE WINNING tickets for the last week. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BadUser: Restricts door access. FREE Have you ever had users that constantly drop carrier in door games? Do you have some users who cry over the scores etc..? Now you can lock these users from the doors of your choice! BadUser will check a text file maintained by you -- and will keep these unwanted users from playing those selected games/programs. The nice thing is they won't know what is wrong (if you select the STANDARD configuration). BadUser sends them no sign that it is being run except for a fake ERROR message which says "COM Port Error -- Returning to BBS". In CUSTOM mode, you may make and send a ANSI screen to the user. If BadUser finds a "bad user" it will create a file called BAD.BAD. The DOOR.BAT file will see it and skip the main door program and head back to the BBS (see the sample batch file included). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Convince!: Convince users to reg doors. $10 Convince! is a simple door program that you run before the real door or after the real door. Convince! tracks the number of times a user enters a door and after every 5 or 10 plays, presents him with a message saying "User Name you have played this door xx times. Please help contribute to register this door." You can configure Convince to show this everytime (keeping tallies of all the plays), every 5 plays, or every 10 plays. Via the CONV!.SPE file you can include "special users" that will not get the message. You may also bypass users of specified security levels by adding the security level to the SECURE.DAT file. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dollarmania!: Online slot machine. $15 Dollarmania! is a simple slot machine door program -- Online help, payoff tables and the alltime high scorer information is available while the user is in the door. v3.00 is InterBBS capabale allowing BBS users from various boards to compete with one another! The jackpot, player starting money and number of attempts per day is all sysop configurable! At the conclusion of play, the door also creates a top 25 score file, both color and mono. The door resets automatically every Monday with the help of a maintenance program which is built-in to the main Dollarmania! program. The jackpot increases incrementally with every play! If the users spends all of his/her money, he cannot play again until Monday when the door resets! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lasso!: Classic online hangman door. $10 Lasso! is a "take off" of the popular hangman game. The door comes with OVER 28,000 words in its word listing (your users should not get bored very easily with this one)! The registered version allows you to set the number of words per play a user may guess at, and will also allow you to set the number of times a person may play per day. Lasso! will keep track of how many times the door was opened, how many "hangin's" there were, and the date of the last entry. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lemonade: Sell the most to win. $10 LEMONADE is a fairly simple game. Your mother has given you $1.00 to get your lemonade stand started. The object of the game is to sell as many glasses of lemonade as possible in a set number of days. After the user hits the 'N' key he will be shown today's weather forecast. He will then be prompted to enter how many glasses he wants to make followed by how much to charge per glass. The weather and temperature have a direct bearing on how many glasses will be sold. If it rains, none will be sold. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Prize Vault: Guess the combination. $10 Prize Vault is a door program which allows callers to try and guess a four number combination of vault. If they successfully guess the combination, they win the listed prize. I usually enter a prize such as 500 fighters in Trade Wars, etc... Other SYSOP's enter such things as "a free large pizza..", not a bad idea! What about those long distance callers! Prize Vault will not allow any one else to guess at the combination once somebody has won. It is up to the SYSOP to reset the combination and prize after a win. Another item that was added are four "bar charts" to the right of the screen. These bars will help users determine if they are getting NEAR the number or FAR away. Thus, you can use bigger numbers for the combination. There are four numbers to the combination and they can range from 1 to 999,999,999,999! You are limited to 12 digits. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scramble: Unscramble words 30,000+ $15 Try to unscramble over 30,000 words! Varying modes of play including easy, medium, and expert, tournament mode, and timer to unscramble the words in. Bonus points are awarded for very complex words. With 30,000+ words to random test users, it will be a looong time before they tire! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Video Poker: Just like the casino's. $15 Video Poker is setup to duplicate the standard video poker type of machine which are found in various locations. Basically, you select your bet by pressing any of the number keys (from 1 to 9 or entering your own bet if CUSTOM mode is seleceted) and the first set of five cards appear. You then select the cards you wish to keep by selecting the card number (from 1 to 5). A yellow 'KEEP' will flash below your choosen cards. You then select 'D' or simply hit the ENTER key for your second draw of cards. A small status display in the upper right portion of then main screen tells you your current hand status by placing a blinking check mark inside the brackets. This door resets every monday during the BBS maintenance. So, if you're running behind bet it all on Sunday evenings! You never know, you may catch up or surpass the leader! Each new bet starts the turn with a new deck of cards. The status of the payoffs can be viewed by pressing the 'P' key. This will show you the payoff versus what card combinations you have. On the right, it shows what combinations had already come up. If you run out of money, you're finished until monday when the door resets. So watch how much you bet! This door also has a BONUS feature which your sysop may or may not choose to use. Basically, a certain amount of money is placed in the jackpot each time you play a hand of poker. The best hand of the day will receive this jackpot money tomorrow! Be sure to logon and claim the money, or you lose it! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ratio!: UL/DL ratio for door access. v1.20 RATIO A simple door program to keep users out of doors if they don't keep a good upload/download ratio. You set the ratio to maintain in the SYSOP.CFG file. Let's say you put 20 in for the ratio. That means you want your users to keep at least a 20 DL/1 UL ratio in order to use the door. A special file called RATIO.USR is included. If you have users who you want to bypass the ratio checking, just add their name in this text file. If Ratio! finds a "bad user" it will create a file called BAD.BAD. The DOOR.BAT file will see it and skip the main door program and head back to the BBS (see the sample batch file included). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Strip Poker!: 5 card stud, male/female. $15 In this door you may play against 20 computer players in Strip Poker! (10 females and 10 males). When you logon initially, you are asked which player you want to play against (male or female). A second screen comes up asking which of the 10 players you wish to play against. Take a look at their stats! It shows how many hands each one has won/lost, how many rounds they won/lost, and how much money they've paid out or have taken in. After you select the player, you're off to the main menu where the competition starts. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OnLine!: Text viewing/searching. $15 OnLine! is basically a way for you, the SysOp, to setup your own online type of magazine or your own online text search door. You can make your own Hello and Goodbye screens, and you can have up to 1600 articles/ANSI screens for your users to read/search online and have them broken down into 40 different sub-menus. OnLine also supports downloading of articles/ansi screens right from within the door itself. Users may download using X, Y, or ZModem transfer protocols. You have the option to turn the downloading flag ON or OFF when you add an article to the database using OLSETUP. Speaking of downloading, OLSETUP also allows you to turn GLOBAL downloading on or off also! OnLine will also prompt the user if he/she would like the file Zipped prior to transferring the file! Think of OnLine as a "shell" for you to build on. You can customize it to your favorite colors, text files, ANSI screens etc. When viewing TEXT files, you may SEARCH the text file for a KEYWORD, goto the next page (like PAGE DOWN), and goto the previous page (like PAGE UP). OnLine also has HELP available right from the main menu of the door and the ability to generate STATISTICS on its usage. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ T&J Raffle!: Prize give-away door. $10 T&J Raffle is an excellent door to use for GUARANTEED Prize Give Aways! You set the total number of tickets to give away, how many tickets each person is allowed to have, and the date that the door locks. After the total tickets are gone, or the date is reached, run a simple utility program to pick the three winners! Bulletins will be created showing the winners, and they will also be informed inside the door. Includes special features such as giving certain people more tickets, a status display, and a twit file to keep certain users out. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On Line Legal Advisor Door $35 Many doors are fun and games. That's great! How about a new type of door? A door which permits your Users to get answers to their legal questions whenever your BBS is available! People hate (for good reason) getting legal advice from lawyers. They have to take time off work, get a bill and are usually angry or scared anyhow! This door, written by attorneys and paralegals, has the answer to all of the most common questions which your Users have! You'll find that those Users who are interested in their legal rights will read and review ALL of the legal material. The program presently contains helpful, straight talk answers about 49 of the most common legal questions including: -->BBS losses tax deductibility -->Lemon cars -->Bankruptcy -->Copyright -->Criminal problems, arrest -->Estate tax -->Credit repair services -->Jury duty -->Disputes with stock brokers -->Handling insurance claims -->Credit card bill errors -->Bill collector harrassment -->Buying or selling real estate -->Incorporating a business -->Disputes with co-owners of property -->Child support -->Powers of attorney -->On the job injuries We haven't forgotten the gaming part of doors either! The OnLine Legal Advisor contains a grueling true/false legal quiz. This quiz has been carefully prepared to surprise your Users! Many persons have misconceptions about the legal system, and the quiz will educate and entertain your Users! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AgeCheck!: Age limitations for doors. FREE AgeCheck is a door which checks the users age vs. your age limitation for the door in question. It will only run on BBS's that support the DOOR.SYS file format and also contains the users date of birth (such as Wildcat! BBS's). You may also bypass certain security levels from age checking. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bible Online: The complete Bible. $20 Apocrypha Door: Complete text. Book of Mormon: Complete text. Get the full text of ALL THREE of the above religious texts for $20. All three doors are mailed on 3HD 3.5" disks (no extra charge). Each door allows reading and searching while online! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Business Cards: Share with other BBS's! $20 Business Cards Online! is simply that, a way for your users to enter business card data on your BBS system. After registering, you may EXPORT your cards and share them with other system by IMPORTING them. Hopefully, Business Cards will lead to a large collection of business cards from around the country. Please EXPORT and UPLOAD your card set to our BBS and we'll make a "master" listing available to all registered users to import into their card listing. Various COMMAND Line options including: IMPORT, EXPORT, PURGE, GLOBALUPDATE, FILELIST, CHECKADS, CLEAN, and UNDEMO. Each card can have an associated .ZIP/.GIF/.ANS for users to download. Cards and advertisements may be downloaded by your BBS users. A FREE utility program called ExState will also allow you to export on single state to your BBS bulletin listing. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JunkYard: Collect/Sell garbage. $20 JunkYard is a game of scrounging landfills looking for items to sell. You may hire workers to help you search, attack other players, and much more. Some items we will not discuss as it will take away from the game (random events, special items you may find, etc.). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ World Fact Book 1994 FREE The World Factbook Door is an online reference library which utilizes the World Factbook Data for 1994. Information is provided on every country in the world. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FedJobs: Online federal jobs. $30 FedJobs is provided for online access to 1000's of government jobs open nation wide. The job database is updated every week to stay current with new position availability and removal of closed positions. Weekly updates are available for File Request or downloading from our BBS. The sysop has the ability to only allow certain users into the door - thus they may charge extra on their BBS system for access to this data. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Consumer Information Door $15 The Consumer Info Door contains databases that your BBS users may find beneficial. They may search the entire database online and also read the information online. Updated databases and additional databases will be available on a monthly basis. Additional databases will be available to download from our BBS in file area #1 as CID#x.ZIP where x=database update number. Updated or additional database .ZIP files must be unzipped in the order they are created. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ U.S. Census Door FREE The Census Door contains the results of the 1990 United States census. They may search the entire database online and also read the information online. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Consumer Product Safety Door $15 The Consumer Product Safety Door contains databases that your BBS users may find beneficial dealing with important information on product recalls and safety. They may search the entire database online and also read the information online. Updated databases my be downloaded from the T&J Software BBS free of charge! Database is updated monthly. Now available in 32-bit wcCode for Wildcat! 5.0 BBS platforms. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Across The Wire Monthly magazine! FREE A free monthly magazine featuring 100's of articles on the latest computer, science, products, software, etc.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 144BBS Door: View/Search online. FREE This door was created to read/compile the 144BBS List compiled by Ken Sukimoto. Permission has been granted from Ken to write and distribute this program. Simply grab the latest listing and place the file 144BBS.TXT in the 144BBS List directory and run: 144BBS COMPILE The text file will be compiled into a usable database for the door! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ InBetween: Classic online card game. The object of this game (as you already know ) is to bet on if the third card played will be between the two cards shown. Be warned, if the third draw is equal to one of the two displayed - you will lose double your bet! A percentage of each LOST hand goes into the jackpot. To win the jackpot money, you must get three of a kind! If the first two cards are a pair, you will be prompted to hit enter to take a chance at winning the jackpot! This costs nothing. The amount paid for a winning hand varies depending on the spread of the original two cards shown. This is configured by your sysop. The larger the spread between the cards, the lower the payoff will be! There are two ways to play (as set by your sysop). Play Type #1: The sysop sets the number of hands per day that you are allowed. Let's say your sysop sets this at 50 - in play mode #1, the door multiplies 50 by 7 (since this door resets every monday) thus giving 350 total hands. You may play these hands at your convenience, 45 hands today, 115 hands tomorrow, etc... Once you play your 350 hands, you are done for the week. Play Type #2: Let's use the same schematic as above and you have 350 total hands. You will know you are in mode #2 by looking at the menu screen. It will say, "350 hands per week/50 for today". In play mode #2, the door divides your total hands left by the number of days left before the door resets. Let's say you couldn't play the door on monday or tuesday, when you logon on wednesday, the door divides 350 by 5 (5 days left before it resets) and allows you to play 70 hands on wednesday. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Endangered Species Door $10 The Endangered Species Door presents your callers with the latest information on all endangered/threatened species broken down by catagory. You may also search the database online. Database will be updated as species are listed or delisted. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hubble Space Telescope Information Door $15 The HST Info Door contains information on all the various HST findings and background information. Information may be viewed online and searched. Regular database updates will be available as the information is obtained. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DogFAQ Information Door FREE I would like to thank Cindy Tittle Moore for allowing T&J Software to bring you this FREE door! The FAQ file database will be maintained by T&J Software and may be downloaded as DOG#xxxx.ZIP where xxxx will equal the database update number. The updated database can be found online in the T&J: Database Updates file area. 200+ topic areas! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Finder Door $30 Finder! is designed for users wishing to search text files online. Finder! will search entire subdirectories of your choice, for articles matching the user's specifications. Your user will be told how many text files are in the directory they choose. They will be prompted for their keyword to search file followed by AND/OR/QUIT and then a second keyword. They may also search the text files by the filedate associated with each file. A bar graph will appear showing the status of the search and how many matches were found. Afterwards, they are prompted if they would like the matched text files archived (Zip) for download and reading offline. This door will make an excellent online library reference! Section 3.0 - Wildcat! Utility Programs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We also maintain a collection of Wildcat! BBS utility programs! TJNew (WCX): New callers WC! TopDL (WCX): Top downloaders WC! TopUL (WCX): Top uploaders WC! TJSLevel (WCX): Sec. level sorter WC! TJBad (WCX): Bad user lister WC! TJGood (WCX): Good user lister WC! TJTFiles (WCX): Top files WC! TJMessage (WCX): Top message poster WC! TJWho? (WCX): Who's online? WC! FArea (WCX): File area lister WC! TJYesterday: Yesterday's callers WC! TJStat: Activity log analyzer WC! TJTop30: Top Downloaded files WC! WinCheck!: Add on for T&J Lotto. LimitLog: Limits logs per day WC! WCAlarm: Alarms on ERROR.LOG WC! Section 4.0 - DOS Utility Programs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RBlank - Removes blank lines from text files. RanGen - Random number generation program. lcase - Converts all text of a text file to lower case. FID! - File_Id extraction program. LTrim - Removes left blanks from text files. UCASE - Converts all text of a text file to UPPER CASE. LFStrip - Removes line feeds from text files. Section 5.0 - About T&J Software BBS and File Access ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All doors can be found on the T&J Software BBS at: (717)325-9481 28.8 Sportster (717)325-2054 28.8 Sportster (717)325-4369 28.8 USR DS (717)325-9480 Voice Support 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. EST Weekdays 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. EST Weekends Internet: tjsoft@postoffice.ptd.net FIDO: 1:268/400 FREQ: TJMAGIC for a complete list of what is available. FREQ: VERSIONS for a list of current door versions. FREQ: TJDESC for this file! FTP: ftp europa.com /outgoing/DOORS/tj-software anonymous login with EMail address for your password. Visiting Sysops have instant access to all doors/utility programs. Doors support various COM ports, baud rates to 115k, DV/Network ready, fossil driver support, and much more! The doors easily setup, and registration can be done online in DOOR #7 using VISA or MC! T&J Software doors have been tested on nearly every BBS package on on the market and uses beta test sites running various software and hardware setups. Free drawings are held on our board for various free registered doors -- try Lotto or Raffle on our system when you call! How to get the latest copy of all T&J Software Doors/Utility Programs: 1. Format SIX HD disks (3.5" only). 2. Get THREE dollar bills. 3. Mail your $3 and SIX HD disks to: T&J Software 397 W. Broadway Jim Thorpe, PA 18229 ÄÄÂÄÄ ³om T&J Software